I never thought I’d EVER blog about getting a haircut. But then, these are unprecedented times we’re living in.
If you reside in one of the states or cities that has shuttered businesses, you probably haven’t been to a barber or hairstylist in over a month. If you’re like me, you snuck in just before businesses closed.
But for someone who gets a trim (I joke with the stylists that I call it maintenance) every 4 or so weeks, I was starting to push the limits. It makes you appreciate the simpler things such as getting a haircut, but I wonder what I might have looked like had I missed a late March trim?
It’s probably a good thing that I’ll never know!

Where should I start?
First of all, an appointment was required. No walk-ins. Not anymore. So, I called and was asked a number of questions… questions I’m grateful that were asked.
Did I have a persistent cough? Was I displaying any symptoms? Had I been around anyone in the last 2 weeks that had COVID-19? Was anyone in my household sick?
I answered honestly, and we made an appointment for later in the afternoon.
But wait, there’s more.
As I arrived, I was greeted by a large sign on the door that offered me additional guidance.
All customers must have a mask. Do not come in. Call and we’ll come outside and escort you through the door.

OK, you won’t get any complaints from me.
I called, and shortly, a young lady exited the building with a sign that had my name on it. She too donned a mask.
We exchanged pleasantries and I politely asked her if we could keep conversation to a minimum. I missed the chatter that I’ve grown accustomed too, but I thought, “Masks aren’t perfect, she’s above me trimming my hair, and what about those droplets we’re all worried about?!”
Within 15 minutes, the beast had been tamed. What looked like the early stages of the Amazon jungle was now a neatly manicured lawn. Whew!
It’s not that I’m going anywhere anytime soon. It just felt good to experience a bit of normalcy and get my hair cut. I must admit that I feel better when I look in the mirror.
I assume my stylist hadn’t been working in over a month, but I didn’t ask. I assume she had been receiving unemployment, but again I didn’t ask. Benefits are generous today, but I was appreciative she came in, and I expressed those sentiments to her. I was happy to leave her a hefty tip.
Maybe, just maybe, as states slowly reopen their economies, the downward economic spiral will end, furloughed employees will return, and economic activity will begin to accelerate.
Still, I’m under no illusion that the economy will soon hit pre-crisis levels. But maybe the flicker of light in the sky is the dawn before the sunrise.
Yes, I got a haircut.