
Unscrambling Scrambled Eggs
Your guide to simplicity
March Market Madness
What happened today? The short answer: Recession fears intensified, and the uncertainty swirling around tariffs remains a stiff headwind. ...
Pulling the Trigger
"The time has come for policy to adjust. The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, ...
Beware the Ides of August?
What the heck is going on? Investors tip-toed into August and were greeted by an unexpected cyclone from Japan. However, as quickly as the ...
Is the economy finally slowing down? The ISM Manufacturing and Service Indexes both slipped below 50. While manufacturing has been ...
Inflation Ain’t Going Away
Inflation dominated the 1970s. We’re well into a new decade, and inflation is once again a headline. It affects consumers; investors; ever ...
Itching to Pull the Trigger
Nothing seems to be getting in the way of rate cuts as the Fed maintains its dovish stance. Hotter inflation in January and February. ...
One Cut Two Cut Three Cut Four
5 cut, 6 cut, 7 cut more. Investors are chomping at the bit for the Fed to slash interest rates. Just a couple of weeks ago, March was to ...
A Dose of Humility
Wall Street analysts were unusually pessimistic as the year began. Should we have been surprised? Probably not. Recession forecasts were all ...
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